Your ETH account

nethz account / login name

Your nethz account is the key to all IT services at ETH (e.g. network, email, secure sites). Included with your employment documents, you have received your login name and initial password by postal mail.

Password change

You must change your initial passwords. Choose passwords that you can easily remember. For security reasons, your nethz passwords should contain at least 12 characters with upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. We recommend to use different passwords for our various IT-services.

The network password must be different from any other nethz password, at least 10 characters with upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.

Forgotten password 

We can send you a new password to your mobile phone. You can also ask to pick up your new password personally at the IT Service Desk office.

Handle passwords safely

Never reveal your password to another person! No serious service supplier will ever ask you for your username or password. Make sure to logon to absolutely trustworthy web sites only. If in doubt, please ask us first.