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Calculation options at D-GESS

D-GESS is a shareholder of Euler. We have access to nine fat compute nodes with 256GB of Ram and 10 TB Discspace (/cluster/project/gess/public). Euler is based on Linux. With Euler, Stata 13 MP may now be used with a graphic surface. Further information may be found here: Stata-WIKI

Start using Euler: “Getting started with Euler”

General information about High Performance Computing and clusters at ETH can be found here.

Furthermore, the new Scientific Application Server called RDS has been taken into use as well. It is based on Windows. With RDS, numerous Windows programs are available independent of the platform and thus with a high server performance. Hence, every Mac user is now provided with the most common Windows programs and Windows users may, for example, run calculation intensive jobs through RDS. The corresponding description may be found here: RDS-WIKI

Your managed Mac or Windows system is prepaired to use RDS (Scientific Application Server): If you use a private system please be sure to have “Microsoft Remote Desktop” installed.

We would be happy to advise you personally on the matter.