Category: Software

Scientific IT-Services

D-GESS is a shareholder of ETH Scientific IT Services (“Shareholder model” for HPC computing power, Scientific Compute Clusters) Due to the wide-spread application of quantitative and computer-based methods in Social and Political Sciences, the demand for support in terms of research-oriented IT has increased substantially at D-GESS. After joining the Scientific IT Services (SIS) in 2014, the researchers […]

Academic applications

Application Description Course Catalogue Publication listing the range of courses available and the catalogue of lecturers. Available in German and English. eApply Application for a study programme at the ETH Zurich eDoz For all lecturers at ETH Zurich. Available in German and English. myStudies For all students at ETH Zurich and auditors. Available in German […]

Unmanaged software

Applications not available from Baramudi and the Appstore, as well as applications for private usage can be installed manually by the user, as long as: The application does not exist in the software catalogue The application is not in contradiction with the BOT (Legal documents) The installation must be executed with the local administator account spadmin […]