ETH Homepage

Connecting to the ETH Home-Directory and ETH Group-Shares

Connecting to the ETH Home-Directory

Instruction for a managed Ubuntu Desktop Computer

On most of the Ubuntu-Linux Desktop-Computers, your ETH Home-Directory is directly connected and mounted to /home/YOUR-USERNAME

You can access the Files with the nautilus File-Manager:



If your Homedirectory is not mounted, you can mount it manually with this command:

mkdir -p /mnt/homedir

mount.cifs -o ‘user=YOURUSERNAME,gid=domain users,‘ // /mnt/homedir




Instruction for a self-managed Linux Computer

You have to be connected to the ETH-Network with the Cisco VPN-Client

Instruction in German:

Instruction in English:

After that, you can mount the directory manually with this command:

mkdir -p /mnt/homedir

mount.cifs -o ‘user=YOURUSERNAME,gid=domain users,‘ // /mnt/homedir


Connecting to the ETH Group-Shares

Instruction for a managed Ubuntu Desktop Computer

To get a list of the shares, which are available, you can enter this command:

smbclient -L  

For Dept: MTEC: use as servername.
For Dept: MATL: use as servername.

Search for the shares of your institute. The share will automatically be mounted, when you enter this command:
ls /group/SHARENAME
for example: ls /group/name-of-your-share.

After that, you can access the folder with this command:

cd /group/name-of-your-share

Note: you only can connect to shares, where you have access-rights.

Instruction for a self-managed Linux Computer

You have to be connected to the ETH-Network with the Cisco VPN-Client

Instruction in German:

Instruction in English:


Then, you have to get a list of the shares, which are available, you can enter this command:

smbclient -L  

For Dept: MTEC: use as servername.
For Dept: MATL: use as servername.

After that, you can mount the share with this command:

mkdir -p /mnt/sharename

mount.cifs -o ‘user=YOURUSERNAME,‘ // /mnt/sharename